We will clean and wrap your fresh tattoo with a second skin. Keep this on area for 72 hours. Once at 72 hours, remove it by pulling up from area
Let it breathe, don't try to cover it the tattoo is a wound that needs to breathe to heal
Wash with antibacterial non-scented soap only on the tattoo location
When drying Tattoo use a fresh paper towel and dab do not rub
When you touch your tattoo be sure you use freshly washed hands to lessen the chance of infection this includes when you are putting lotion on tattoo
Wear your tattoo proudly!
When it's healing it will scab and have dry skin. Use a non-scented lotion on area 2 to 3 times per day
What should I not do after getting a tattoo?
Do not cover your tattoo with sunblock until it's fully healed
Do not go swimming or immerse your body in water. Showers are fine.
Do not scratch or pick at the tattoo. It will itch during healing process. If you need to, slap it for relief. Do not teach it. Let it heal to keep the color and prevent it from scarring.
Do not use hot water to clean your new tattoo, wash with warm water instead. Hot water will cause your pores to open leaving new tattoo susceptible to bacterial infection and ink leakage.